Image courtesy of Band On The Wall

HERE at Macho Zapp a large part of our mission is to cover musical innovations. Artists are using their ingenuity more and more to bring a diverse variety of projects to the table.

This is especially true of DJ Yoda. Not content with being at the forefront of scratch VJing, impressing club and festival crowds alike, and hosting a show on BBC Radio 6Music, he recently led a week-long project called 'Breakfast of Champions'.

Coordinated by Manchester music venue Band On The Wall, the idea was that he would coax a group of aspiring musicians, vocalists and visual artists to produce enough music to perform live at the end of the week. It worked so well that they are coming back for part two in March 2015.

For the new show the performance will be boosted by the presence of vocalists Sparks and Truthos Mufasa from The Mouse Outfit, rapper Rex Domino and beatboxer and producer Shlomo.

“This is a new arena for me, I’ve done loads of collaborations but I’ve never actually tried to put together a band, so I jumped at this opportunity. I’m talent-spotting right now, and see this as a chance to initiate music careers, as well as to realise my vision of a live hip-hop band. I want Breakfast Of Champions to be the start of a real collective.”

Breakfast of Champions takes place at Band On The Wall, Manchester Friday 13th March. Buy tickets here.